Wednesday 30 January 2013
Mortgage Possession Cases

This seminar will be of particular importance to all housing practitioners who have 2013 Housing and Debt contracts with the LSC, where it is a requirement that supervisors who have not conducted a mortgage arrears possession case in the past 12 months must be able to demonstrate how they have maintained their knowledge of mortgage possession cases. The seminar leader is Tim Powell from Powell Forster Solicitors.

The booking form can be downloaded here.


Monday 11 February 2013
How to Quantify Damages in Disrepair Cases

This seminar is a must for all housing practitioners who want to be able to identify the different heads of claim for which their disrepair clients can seek damages and to calculate the amount of damages which could be awarded under each head. The seminar leaders are Beatrice Prevatt from Garden Court Chambers and Andrew Brookes from Anthony Gold Solicitors.

The booking form can be downloaded here.

The seminars will be held from 6.00-8.00pm at Mary Ward Legal Centre, 10 Great Turnstile Street, London WC1V 7JU. To book places, please complete and return the attached registration forms or contact Professional Briefings on 01920 487672 or