Update 20.06.2022: HLPA’s response to MoJ’s “Consultation on extending fixed recoverable costs (FRC): how vulnerability is addressed”
HLPA FRC Vulnerability response 20 June 2022 click to read our submissions
Following our submissions to government and others set out below, HLPA has now also responded to the MoJ’s consultation on FRCs and vulnerable clients.
We continue to urge government to exempt housing law cases from the FRC regime. A failure to do so will cut across and threaten many of the government’s current policy priorities around a fair deal for tenants, early advice and the sustainability of the housing law sector.
HLPA, LAPG, Shelter, LCN and Generation Rent’s submissions on Fixed Recoverable Costs
FRCs – an existential threat click to read our submissions
FRC report V5 RH FINAL_ click to read the independent report
Letter to James Cartlidge MP (similar letters have been sent to ministers, shadow ministers, key civil servants in MoJ, DLUHC, Justice Select Committee, APPG Legal Aid and others)
Dear Minister
We write regarding the Ministry of Justice’s proposed Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRCs) regime. FRCs are likely to devastate the tenant and borrower facing housing law sector. We have undertaken a data gathering exercise in relation to the impact of FRCs on the housing law advice sector and we attach a copy of the report analysing the data. We also attach a copy of our written submissions requesting that all housing cases are exempted from FRCs.
We are requesting that the Government engage with our report and submissions, as the impact on access to justice is still yet to be addressed despite FRCs being due to be implemented in April 2023.
We think that the implications cut across many of MoJ’s and DLUHC’s early advice and levelling up priorities, including renters reform and HLPAS.
We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible and request an urgent meeting on the crucial issue of the impact of FRC on the housing advice sector.
We are of the view there is no greater threat at present to access to justice for renters and borrowers than Fixed Recoverable Costs.
Yours sincerely
Housing Law Practitioners’ Association
Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group
Law Centres Network
Generation Rent